
TIP OF THE WEEK: The Anchored Weave is an Alternative to Sewn Per Track

Greetings Clients, Students and all interested in The Weave Institute!!!

A persistent problem continues to plague African American women's hair all over the country. In every Black community there are hairstylists who perform the sewn per tack weave on a sister, a cousin, a client or a friend. Most women believe the sewn per track method does not damage their hair because it is cornrowed, however, the form of cornrow that sewn per track requires is especially harmful. The two pressure points where the sewn per track cornrow begins is the source of the problem. After several applications, these pressure points become bruised because the beginning cornrows are too weak to hold the weft hair. This method stops the growth of your hair at the pressure points. Who would want to subject themselves to hair loss due to the sewn per track method? Not many! Kim Connell is here to reveal the healthy alternative, The Anchored Weave! This technique is an effective solution that provides support for the cornrows, allows your hair to grow and the final product is as fabulous as an original sewn per track. Kim Connell's goal is for clients to care for their hair while it rests under a weave. Many stylists disregard the need to nurture the natural hair of clients because they are more concerned with how the weave looks. It is important to accomplish both healthy hair underneath and beautiful hair above!  A course on the Anchored Weave technique is coming soon. Be the first to sign up for this innovative, healthy alternative to sewn per track!!!

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